.. include:: ../README.rst :start-after: sec-begin-development :end-before: sec-end-development Updating the Hector model version used ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The **Hector** model source code is included in the **pyhector** repository as a submodule. To update its version do the following: 1. If you didn't clone **pyhector** recursively: .. code:: bash git submodule update --init 2. Go into the ``hector`` folder and checkout the version to be used (replace ``VERSIONTAG`` according to the corresponding version tag): .. code:: bash cd hector git checkout VERSIONTAG 3. Commit the updated submodule to **pyhector**: .. code:: bash cd .. git add hector git commit -m 4. Please do not forget to run the tests with the new version. .. include:: ../CONTRIBUTING.rst